Project for the construction of branch K of the sewage network in the village of Dobrushevo, Phase 2


The project refers to the construction of a multipurpose space that will serve to provide services of administrative and social character to the residents of this part of the region. Part of the building will serve to provide services to residents of the home unit in Bitola, this space was used for this same purpose until 4 years ago as a regional department of services in Bitola, but due to lack of basic conditions these services in recent years residents of these settlements can not be realized in the village. Ivanjevci have to travel to Bitola, which further complicates their access to these services and takes more time. Also, within this facility, a space is planned for the Center for Early Childhood Development which will take care of children from the neighboring municipalities, taking into account the location of the village. This will allow the residents of the smaller settlements that gravitate around these municipalities to use the services of the Center for Early Childhood Development for their youngest, this will save time and money for the residents and for the children will be provided conditions that their peers receive. from urban areas. The rest of the space is planned to be used as an office for Agro Accelerator which, taking into account that most of the population gravitating to this territory is engaged in agriculture, will serve interested farmers and agricultural holdings not only in the municipality of Mogila but also in neighboring municipalities. The building in the village. Ivanjevci Op. The mound is currently in a ruined state and is not in operation. The house has dimensions: 19.30 x 11.10 m. ie 214.23 m2 Raised from the ground level by 70 cm. a thorough reconstruction of the building with extension is envisaged. This capacity is of regional importance because it will be put in function of the inhabitants of this part of the region, not only from the municipality of Mogila but also the neighboring municipalities. With the project for reconstruction of the building in the village. Ivanjevci will create conditions for placing this space (capacity) in order to provide social services of regional importance and bring them closer to the residents of the municipality. Mogila, Novaci and Demir Hisar. The inhabitants of n. m. which gravitate around the general. Mogila, Novaci and Demir Hisar) have not exercised their right to social services and services from the Registry Office for a long time, the conditions in the settlements where they live do not provide services for the youngest nor services for farmers. With this, the disparity of their settlements and larger urban areas becomes more pronounced and the problem is of regional character. This project contributes to solving the problem and providing conditions for providing social services of regional character.
Project timeline:
Start 28.09.2024
Anticipated end 01.11.2023
End 01.11.2023
Start date:
End date:
Completion date:
Type of project:
Bureau for Regional Development
Budget program:

Strategic measures

Strategic measureAllocated amount by projectsCompleted amount by projects
Подигнување на капацитетот на планските региони за препознавање, промовирање и реализирање на потенцијалот за инвестиции во планските региони2.000.000,002.000.000,00



Financing sourceInstitutionAmountNote
Буџет на државатаМИНИСТЕРСТВО ЗА ЛОКАЛНА САМОУПРАВА3.625.906,00 
Буџет на единицата на локалната самоуправа 1.861.920,00 
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